Shot Breakdown

Camera angle
Time Length
Woods, dark
Low angle shot to make viewer feel weak/ intimidated.
2 seconds
Erie sound track

2 seconds
Erie sound track
Boy in woods, gets grabbed from behind
Mid shot – viewer can understand surroundings and see that boy is important in the scene.
1 second
Erie sound track and stab of base. – villain speaking “this is a log”
Wall covered in news papers and pictures of characters
Close up of picture of boy just seen
0.5 seconds
Erie sound track
Boy in woods again, being dragged.
Extreme close up of face – see fear, pain and blood.
0.5 seconds
Erie sound track

Erie sound track
Girl running through woods
Girl runs from corner of screen, long shot.
0.5 seconds
Erie sound track
Close up of face, being cut with scissors
Close up, can see blood on face
0.5 seconds
Erie sound track – villain speaking “This is the 25th of January.”
Wall covered in news papers and pictures of characters
Close up of writing.
0.5 seconds
Erie sound track

Erie sound track
Different girl running away from something in woods.
Long shot
1 second
Erie sound track – villain speaking “I’m 18.”
Girls face, full of fear, hiding.
Close up
0.5 seconds
Erie sound track
Girls face, full of fear, hiding.
Extreme close up
0.5 seconds
Erie sound track
Blurry face of villain.
Close up, speaking into camera
1 second
Erie sound track – villain speaking “I’m going to kill them all”

Erie sound track – stab of drum beats
Boy being dragged
Mid shot
0.25 seconds
Gradual gain of scary suspenseful music.
Girl running
Long shot
0.25 seconds
Gradual gain of scary suspenseful music.
Picture of girl from the wall.
Close up
0.25 seconds
Gradual gain of scary suspenseful music.
Girl’s face, terrified
Close up
0.25 seconds
Gradual gain of scary suspenseful music.
Girl falling over
Long shot
0.25 seconds
Gradual gain of scary suspenseful music.
Girl screaming
Mid shot
0.25 seconds
Gradual gain of scary suspenseful music.
Villain’s face
Close up, looking into camera
0.25 seconds
Gradual gain of scary suspenseful music.
Wall of pictures
Close up
0.25 seconds
Gradual gain of scary suspenseful music.
Villain’s face
Close up, looking into camera.
0.25 seconds
Gradual gain of scary suspenseful music.
Black screen

0.5 seconds
Music reaches climax of suspense
Title - Scissoria

2 seconds
Slab of music, then fades away.

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