
To produce my ancillary texts, I began using Microsoft word to create the basic design of the magazine and poster, producing effective fonts on When I got to the more advanced part of designing, I moved my work onto Photoshop, where I made my actresses heard sit on top of my magazine title, and blurred the edges of my poster.


For Planning, I decided to use the website Blogger to create a blog that I could put all of my work onto.  I was able to design a professional looking blog with a custom background picture, fonts and colour scheme. For evaluation, I used Microsoft power point, which was also useful for creating a recurring theme.


In the construction of my movie trailer, I used adobe premier Elements, which helped me to edit and develop my film, let me combine clips of sound and pictures to make up my trailer. This was helpful because of the freeness I had when cutting down video clips – letting me make clips less than a second long, and allowing me to time the music and the video clips perfectly. I also used a site called freeplay music to download sound tracks without copywriting.


When making my trailer, I used new media technologies to aid me. In the construction and research, I looked through in the internet to watch real movie trailers to help me develop my understanding of the concept of horror, and the tricks that directors use in trailer to entice the audience unto wanting to watch the whole movie.

Audience Feedback

 - After seeing this trailer, do you feel you want to see the whole movie? Why?

Yes, as the trailer makes me want to find out why he wants to kill the other characters

Yes, because it gives enough information to make you understand it but not enough to give anything away.

Yes, I like how the trailer is dark and moody from the word go, so you definitely know what kind of movie it's going to be.

According to my audience research, I seem to have got the right balance of giving away enough for people to understand, but not enough that people feel they don't need to see the whole movie. This is what I was aiming for.

 - Do you think the ancillary texts work well with the trailer? How?

The magazine has an image of one of the actors who is clearly in the trailer, having her on the cover links the magazine and trailer. The poster is high-quality and looks professional but there could have been more emphasis on the scissors in the trailer to link them more.

I think they work well because they have continuity however the poster could be said to be too general.

I think the poster works well, but the magazine front cover could be more horror movie like.

It is clear that work could be done to improve on my ancillary texts, especially the link to the main weapon.

 - Which part of the trailer did you find the scariest? Why?

When the boy is grabbed by the killer from behind and when the scissors are dragged across a girls cheek, because these are both unexpected.

When there was a pan or dark trees, it looked spooky.

I like the part where the scissors are dragged across the girls cheek, and the parts with the pictures of the people.

The scene with the girl seems to have been fairly popular with my audience. People seem to prefer the creepy/unexpected parts of my trailer.

 - Was the plotline clear?

The voiceover helped with the plotline, but the reasoning behind the killings is still unknown which makes me want to watch the film.

I got the initial idea.

I thought that the plot was fairly clear – but there could have been more.

As said before, the audience seem to be happy with the balance of plotline and mystery.

 - What adjustments would you make to the trailer, and ancillary texts?

More emphasis on scissors in trailer.

I would make the magazine front cover darker and more horror movie like.

Possibly another poster with a picture of the main person.

My audience seem believe that more time should have been spent on ancillary, but feel the trailer needs little work.

Trailer and Ancillary Texts

The combination of my ancillary texts and my movie trailer I believe are pretty strong. The Trailer has a dark and mysterious edge to it, and I have tried to make that come across in my poster too. The person on the front of my magazine front cover is the only one who has a clear close up shot of her face in the trailer, making her the most recognisable.

Developing and Challenging Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products

 When making my trailer, I took into consideration the normal conventions of a movie trailer, and decided whether or not to follow some of the guidelines. For example, it is typical in horror movies to have one “final girl”, who survives the whole film, and sometimes kills the villain.  I decided to have this in my trailer, and have chosen a young blonde girl as my final girl. She is seen running and looking frightened in the trailer, but it is not shown whether she is harmed or not. Some other guidelines I decided not to follow, such as the classic idea that the beginning of the trailer would look just like any normal movie, but then slowly turn darker and darker. I decided to let my audience know immediately that this is a horror. By showing a pan of dark trees my audience is immediately wary of what is to come.